Applying a Gender Lens to Social Entrepreneurship. Stanford Social Innovations Review, Winter 2021
Fostering Effective Co-Design. Produced by the Practical Impact Alliance, MIT D-Lab, March 2016. Co-author with J. Capelli and E. Reynolds.
The Legitimacy Challenge for Good Government and Democratic Governance. Presented and distributed at the annual “Innovation Week” sponsored by the Government of Mexico, Mexico City, November 2004.
Citizen's Charters: Comparative Experiences Política Digital Magazine, November 2004, No. 20, pp. 64-69.
RENCTAS: Using the Web to Integrate Local Citizen Collaboration to Scale up the Fight Against Animal Trafficking. Innovations in Technology and Governance (ITG) Case Study, Ash Institute, Kennedy School of Government, October 2003. Coauthor with S. Yung.
Interactive Participatory Budgeting in Ipatinga, Brazil. Innovations in Technology and Governance (ITG) Case Study, Ash Institute, Kennedy School of Government, October 2003. Coauthor with F. Martinez de Oliveira and José Carlos Vaz.
Harnessing the Social Context: A Review of Cultivating Communities of Practice. Education, Communication & Information, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Open University, Routledge Press, U.K., Vol. 3, No. 1, 2003.
Scaling Up Online Executive Education for Innovation and Reform, TechKnowlogia Magazine, April/June 2002.
Latin American Public Education's Information Gap, NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 33, No. 4, January/February 2000.
E-Learning for Program Managers through Global Information Resources. The Manager’s Electronic Resource Center, Management Sciences for Health, June 2000. Reviewer and Contributor.
Prospects and Pitfalls for Distance Education in the Developing World, Advising Quarterly, AMIDEAST, Summer 1999.
New Markets for Meeting Old Needs: U.S. Distance Education and Developing Countries. EDUCAUSE. October 1999.
A Decade of Technology Training in Latin American Higher Education, DRCLAS News, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Winter 1999.
Challenges to Academic Networks in Latin America: The Case of Colombia’s Red CETCOL, Internet Society (ISOC), Vol. 4, No. 1, January/February 1997.